The 46,100-square-foot Stanley Pauley Centre — named after the engineering faculty alumnus (B.Sc. EE /1949) who donated $4.19 million and whose namesake foundation contributed an additional $5 million to the capital campaign — expands lab and student-support facilities across the engineering faculty’s range of focus. It includes:
- Engineering Innovation and Prototyping Centre (design team prototyping facilities)
- New Co-op/Industrial Internship Program Office
- New Internationally-Educated Engineers Qualification Program (IEEQ) office and facilities
- Student study space (undergraduate and graduate)
- Undergraduate teaching and research laboratories
- Biomedical engineering laboratories
Donations made to the Foundation in support of the Stanley Pauley Centre were matched by the Foundation, to a maximum of $100 per donor.
With the Stanley Pauley Centre gradually opening for use, starting in January 2019, the Foundation felt that it was time to wind up its matching program in support of this project. In the two and a half years of the matching program, donors and matching funds from the Foundation came to a total of $7,650.